Tips to Students


Take for study, the subject you dislike the most, once you do it the rest is easy. Things you do not understand, ask your teacher immediately without any hesitation. Never hide your difficulties as they would multiply if not solved in time.

Do your homework regularly. Revise all that is taught in the class at the end of the day. Make sure that you have understood everything. Make note of things not understood and get it cleared the very next day from teacher.

Use the calendar to take down the work assigned for the day. Revise all that is taught during the week on the weekend. Time is money, realize its importance and do not wait till commencement of the examination. Regular and sincere study is the only key to success.

  1. Regular attendance and study habits prompt obedience, courtesy in speech and conduct, cleanliness of dress and personal hygiene are the good habits to be imbibed by children.
  2. No pupil who has been absent from school will be admitted to class without principals signature in the calendar. Pupils who are late will get their class teachers signature. Habitual late comers will be sent to the Principal.
  3. A student must look after his/her belongings, Raincoat, bag, cap, jersey, umbrella, tiffin box and all books must be marked with name and class of the owner. It is not advised for a student to have money or any valuable articles with him/her. No ornaments of any type should be worn in the school.
  4. Student of l to lX are not allowed to use wrist-watches in the school.
  5. Even though some student may possess a driving license, they should not come to school driving a motor car, motor cycle or scooter. However, students are allowed to use a bicycle to come to school.
  6. Students are not allowed to carry mobile to school it is strictly prohibited.
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